Field stations

This network enhances the interdisciplinary work of UC researchers, promoting undergraduate and postgraduate training, through interaction with the most representative ecosystems in Chile. The desert, the sea, the forests and glaciers are the perfect laboratory to study complex, diverse and valuable phenomena that seek to solve local problems with a global scope, always in harmony and cooperating with the local communities surrounding the centers and stations.

The commission of Research Centers and Field Stations UC|Chile is chaired by the Vice President of Research, Pedro Bouchon and is integrated by: Patricio Bernedo, Dean of School of History, Geography and Political Science; Juan Correa, Dean of School of Biological Science; Marane Krause, Dean of School of Social Sciences; Gloria Arancibia, Faculty of School of Engineering; Francisco Chateau, Faculty of School of Architecture, Design and Urban Studies; and Sergio Guitart, Executive Officer of RCER who acts as Secretary of the Commission.

The members of the commission were appointed by the presidente of UC|Chile, Ignacio Sánchez, for a period of three years. Download the official document (in spanish) here.

Check the Regulations of the Research Centers and Field Stations UC|Chile here.

More about our Network of Centers and Field Research Stations on our YouTube channel.


Download the publication

"Field Science in Chile"

Zona Norte
Atacama Desert Research Station - Alto Patache
Región de Atacama
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Loa Research Station - Loa River Mouth
Región de Tarapacá
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Zona Centro
Coastal Marine Research Station - Las Cruces
Región de Valparaíso
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Zona Sur
Center for Local Development - Villarrica
Región de La Araucanía
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Senda Darwin Biological Station - Chiloé
Región de Los Lagos
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Center of Excellence of Biomedicine in Magallanes - Punta Arenas
Región de Magallanes y de la Antártica Chilena
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