UC is the first key technology partner of UTS in Latin America, a relationship that seeks to promote the development of opportunities for collaboration and mobility, such as academic exchange and research collaboration.

With the aim of strengthening ties and promoting the implementation of two framework cooperation agreements, representatives of the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) met with authorities from the Research Affairs Office and Doctoral Office of the UC Vice-Presidency for Research Affairs.
The meeting was attended by Nicky Salomon, Dean of the Graduate Research School of UTS, Lucy Jones, Director of the Graduate Research School of UTS, Jani Brouwer, Director of Doctorate Office of the UC Vice-President for Research Affairs; Rodrigo Cevallos, Deputy Director of Research of the UC Vice-President for Research Affairs; and Cristian Opazo, Professor and Director of Postgraduate and Research at the UC Faculty of Letters.
Since March of this year, the relationship between these two universities has been strengthened through the signing of two framework cooperation agreements at the doctoral and research level. The first one consists of a Memorandum of Understanding aimed at broadening the scope of the curriculum and providing learning experiences in an international environment, as well as promoting the completion of joint tutoring doctoral theses, leading to a double degree. While the second agreement is about the establishment of a key technology partnership (Key Technology Partnership) aimed at facilitating the undertaking of collaborative activities in research, as well as mobility between students and academics.
In this context, Jani Brouwer, Ph.D. Director and UC College of Doctoral Programs, pointed out the importance of the agreements signed, as they will make it possible to contribute to internationalization projects in research and doctoral training that the university projects for the next five years.
She also highlighted that one of the most important aspects of the key technology partnership is the development of international opportunities that facilitate collaboration in joint research with researchers, research students and the academic community, “For example, we will be able to participate in instances such as the competition Academic visits destined to promote research with competitive funds of up to AUD $ 10,000 (corresponding to almost five million Chilean pesos), whose call will be open until November 20.”
The University of Technology Sydney (UTS) founded in 1988, is located in the heart of the Australian capital and currently has an enrollment of more than 37,000 thousand students, being one of the largest in the country. UTS offers more than 130 undergraduate programs and 210 postgraduate courses, across traditional and emerging disciplines, such as architecture, business, communication, design, education, engineering, information technology, international studies, law, midwifery, nursing, pharmacy and science.