Of the eight initiatives selected by the Newton-Picarte Fund of the British Council, five correspond to projects of the Catholic University.

Within the framework of the third call made by the Newton-Picarte fund, five projects presented by our university were selected, aimed at strengthening the international dimension in matters of doctorates, medicine, food, transport and research centers.
The five winning projects are:
Working towards an innovative structure of doctoral training and research supervision considering the demands and developing priorities of Chile, adjudicado a la Dirección de Doctorados de la universidad. Working towards an innovative structure of doctoral training and research supervision considering the demands and developing priorities of Chile, awarded to the University’s Doctorate Office.
Program to develop clinical research skills in gallbladder cancer (GBC) in Chile, in collaboration with the United Kingdom, awarded to the Academic Unit of Medicine.
Transitions between public transport and public space: designing bus stops and transfer stations from pedestrians comfort perspective, awarded to the Academic Unit of Architecture.
Establishing a strategic partnership between UK and Chilean research centers for development, awarded to UC Research Affairs Office.
Strengthening R&D&I support capabilities to promote initiatives linking science and business within the food industry, awarded to UC Academic Unit of Agronomy and Forest Engineering in conjunction with the Directorate of Transfer and Development.
These five initiatives are in addition to three other projects already awarded by UC in previous versions of the competition promoted by the British Government through its British Council agency.
They come to support the creation of new programs for each of the Academic Units that were awarded the funds and the training of their academics, allowing them to develop specific scientific and research skills in conjunction with an expert counterpart organization (or organizations) in the United Kingdom.
Two of the Newton-Picarte funds will collaborate in the implementation of the advances made under the auspices of Internationalization, Doctorates, and Research performance agreements that are financed by the Mineduc.
“The awarding of these funds to carry out collaboration with institutions in England demonstrates the quality of the research that is being carried out at our university,” said the Director of Research of the UC Director for Research Affairs Office, María Elena Boisier. “These funds are very competitive and having won these 5 projects in the areas of food, transport, medicine and in the Vice-Presidency for Research Office fills us with pride “.
The Newton-Picarte Fund was created in 2014 with the aim of promoting scientific research and innovation over a period of 3 years. It supports joint research projects between Chilean and British scientists, the development of human capital and the commercialization of technologies, in order to contribute to the economic development and social well-being of our country.
The five winning projects will begin to be executed in the months of June and July, and will conclude before the end of the year.