On Monday, June 19th, the seminar and workshop “Scientific Research Methodology and Collaboration with Industry in Australia” was held jointly by the Australian Ministry of Education and Training, the Australian Technological Universities Network (ATN) and the Australian Embassy in Chile.

On Monday, June 19th, the seminar and workshop “Scientific Research Methodology and Collaboration with Industry in Australia” was held jointly by the Australian Ministry of Education and Training, the Australian Technological Universities Network (ATN) and the Australian Embassy in Chile.
The Australian Ambassador to Chile, Robert Fergusson, opened the event with presentations by representatives of Professor Ashantha Goonetilleke from the Faculty of Science and Engineering, Queensland University of Technology (QUT); Mr. Damien Thomas, Director of Scientific Research Translation, RMIT University and Mr. Alec Webb, Senior Policy Analyst – Research, all part of the ATN.
The opening was accompanied by Mr. Gonzalo Rivas from the National Council for Innovation for Development (CNID), and as local panelists were Mrs. Marcela Angulo, Manager of Technological Capabilities of CORFO and Mrs. Sharapiya Kakimova, Coordinator of the Cooperation Program CONICYT International.
The seminar was attended by officials from UC Vice-Presidency for Research Affairs interested in issues of Internationalization of Scientific Collaboration and a large audience belonging to different universities and local organizations that actively participated in a workshop where they could share the Australian experience on issues where research converges and its link with the industry.
At the end of the day, Ambassador Fergusson received at his residence seminar participants and attendees such as María Elena Boisier, UC Office for Research Affairs’ Director, to close the event