On May 23rd, Leo Mian Liu, Vice President of Global Associations and Director of UTS International and Innes Ireland, Associate Director of Associations, UTS International, both from University of Technology Sydney (UTS) visited UC to advance in the common collaboration agreement in research.

In the morning, the Australian delegation met with Directors or their representatives, Amparo Bravo, Deputy Director of International Relations Affairs; María Elena Boisier, Director of Research Affairs Office; Jani Brouwer, Director of the Doctoral College; Álvaro Ossa, Director of Technology Transfer and Development; and Marcela Briones, Deputy Director of Communications and Corporate Affairs at UC Innovation Center.
With them, Ireland and Mian were able to delve into the similarities and collaborations between both universities, explore support opportunities for researchers and students from both institutions to interact and collaborate, and ensure that the administrative framework is appropriate to make this possible in the future. In the afternoon, the delegation sent by UTS met with Directors and Deans of different UC faculties, as well as Postdoctoral students, and UC authorities interested in UTS. For them, the Sydney delegation shared information about their research areas, internationalization plans, doctoral programs, intellectual property policies, commitment to the industry and opportunities for student mobility. They also had the opportunity to share their knowledge and experiences, and to hear about UC’s knowledge and experience in these same areas.
“We hope that this visit will lead to a broader and deeper academic collaboration; increased opportunities for doctoral students from both institutions to spend time at the other institution, obtain a joint doctorate from UC and UTS; and for key administrative staff from both institutions to share knowledge and work to find solutions to the challenges we share,” commented Innes Ireland, continuing: “We are leaving confident that our already productive Key Technology Partnership (KTP) will continue to grow and provide benefits to both institutions, our academics, and our countries.”
The KPT will allow UC -the first key technological partner of UTS in Latin America- to develop future instances and cooperation agreements in research around topics of very high relevance for UC and for Chile, with one of the vanguard countries in investigative topics.